Join us!

If you have singing ability, regardless of vocal training, our music leaders will help you find the right part for your range, even if you have a "low" voice. Singers are invited to attend any scheduled rehearsal, so plan to spend an unforgettable evening with Pacific Empire Chorus!

Existing members, please do not use this form.

 * Required
 * Required
 * Required
 * Required

Preferred contact method:
Do you have any singing experience?: This could be anything from singing in the shower to church choir, or all the way back to high school choir. It all counts as a checkbox in the "loves to sing" category ;)
Have you sung in an a cappella group before?
What part(s) do you sing? Pacific Empire Chorus's voice sections use the naming convention of barbershop groups. If you are unfamiliar with the list's voice parts, just select "not sure" and let us know if you sing Alto or Soprano in the section below!
If you answered "not sure" above, have you generally sung alto or soprano? Or how would you characterize your voice?
Can you tell us more about how you heard about us?
Anything else you'd like us to know?

Click the Next button below to submit your application...